Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you a fan or a follower?

I know, it's a weird question and you are probably wondering where it is coming from. 

I just finished this great book titled "Not a Fan." by Kyle Idleman.  Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus.

Now you may be saying to yourself:  I'm a follower.  I accepted Jesus into my heart as my Savior on this date_____.  I remember where I was and what I was doing.  But have you ever wondered  what the difference between being a Fan of Jesus is as compared to being a Follower of Jesus. 

As I read this book I felt myself start to become humbled and little embarrassed.  There are many times in my life where I would have been considered more of Fan than a Follower.  There are even days when this holds true.  So, what you may ask is the distinction?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word Fan as "an enthusiastic admirer."  So what is wrong with that?  Well, there may be several people you admire:  parents, a teacher, a Pastor, sports figures, musical recording artists, movie stars...... and the list goes on and on.  You may have read books about them, know their birthdays, favorite colors, and for a time you may even pattern your life after them.  But it is a fad that comes and goes, or you can go long periods of time without talking to them or knowing how they are.  The same can go for Jesus.

You may have a "fish" symbol on your car, wear a cross, go to church, pass all the tests in school.  You may even be able to quote scripture.  Here is where the defining line comes:  does your commitment to Jesus shape the person you are, the people you spend the most time with, how you conduct yourself at work.  Is Jesus intertwined in every part of your life?  Or, is He only there when times are good, or when you need something, or the answer to the question on a questionnaire.  When He doesn't answer your prayer the way you wanted or expected, or that loved one left you, or even worse died?  Or when everything is going well so you forget about Him?  Or maybe you pick and choose the parts of the Bible you like and use the other as slight guidelines for your life?

To be a committed follower you need to be "IN" relationship with Jesus everyday.  You need to spend real time with Him.  You have to trust that "He's got your back" and knows what is best for you.  Proverbs 3:5 says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will lead you in right paths."  That means trust Him with your family, your prodigal child, your marriage, your finances, your job, your friendships, with EVERYTHING!  We have to remember He has a plan that was set forth before we were created.  He says that in Jeremiah 29:11.  In Isaiah He states that he knit us in our mother's womb.  He holds us in the palm of His hand.  All throughout scripture we are told that He Loves Us.  He loves us more than our parents, our friends, our children, our spouse.  In Romans 8:28 we are told: "That everything works out for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." 

God never promised us our lives would be easy, but He did promise to always be with us.  He tells us again and again in statements like: "I am sending you out as lambs among wolves" or "if people hate you, persecute you, scoff at you, remember they hated me first."  It's a war zone out there for the true follower.  You can loose family and friends for it.  In some countries they still persecute and execute true followers. 

If you are not already a follower you may wonder "why, give me a good reason?"  Here is one reason:   Because our time here in this world is finite, measured in days, weeks, months, years.  Our eternity is infinite, as quoted by Buzz Lightyear in "Toy Story":  To infinity and beyond.  If Heaven is eternity in the presence of God, then Hell is eternity in the absence of God.  Eternal darkness, pain, suffering, hunger, and unquenchable thirst.  To me, that is not a pretty picture.  Here is another reason; and this one is personal.  I know what God has done for me, how he filled the God-shaped hole in my heart, how He changed my perception of circumstances that occur. 

After I accepted God nothing magical happened in my life to make it perfect.  If you have read my other blogs you will see the hard times I have had.  I have had close friends die when I was in high school, I have seen friends who have lost infant and young children.  Both of my parents are in Heaven now with my Savior.  I have suffered victimization.  I have emotional scars that have run deep.  I suffer from depression.  Here is the thing though.  Having a relationship with God through my faith in Jesus Christ has made all those things more bearable.  He has been the my light in the darkness, my comfort during pain.  He has made me new and given me a hope.

Am I always a good follower?  Absolutely not.  I am a disobedient child who wants what they want, when they want it.  I can be egocentric, hurtful, and selfish.  But my God knows that and loves me inspite of my black heart.  Nothing can separate me from God's love. 

I leave with you this question:  Are you a fan or a follower?  If not, what are you gonna do to make the change?

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