Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To Sin or Not to Sin?

Sin.  What is it?  How is it that three little letters can cause so much trouble in our lives.

Sin is defined by Merriam-Webster as: an offense against religious or moral law;  an action that is or is felt to be higly reprehensible; a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God.   Those definitions illustrate very strong wording.  They give a very uncomfortable feeling to the heart and soul when you read them.  They sound final.

There are many biblical references to sin, and many of them are even more disconcerting.  The Roman's Road to Salvation is pretty clear about sin and it's consequences, but also how to work through it.  Romans 3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23:  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.  Romans 5:8:  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans 10:9:  That if you confess with yourmouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the deat, you will be saved.  Romans 5:1: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I like the hope in Roman's Road.  Although it starts out as what seems to be hopeless, we find ourselves consoled by the fact that we have a way.  God made a way through faith in Jesus Christ.  But why is then, that even though there is a way, we continue on?

Sin can become like a comfortable sweatshirt or warm, fuzzy blanket.  It becomes familiar, like a close friend.  It is easy, and the enemy makes so appealing.  We use phrases like:  One little white lie never hurt anyone; or I only took a pack of gum, no biggie; or the company will never miss that one bolt of printer paper; or I only looked at that website for porn one time, who did it hurt?  There are numerous other ones that come to mind as well, we all know what they are. 

Human emotions can become sinful when they are used in the extreme.  They can lead to harmful actions as well.  Ways of coping with life's situations can become sinful and habitual.  How can we possibly win?

God knows our weaknesses.  He created us.  He knows our every deed, thought, and next step will will make.  However, He still chooses to love us.  Why?  Because as I stated:  He CREATED us. 

How do we overcome our sin?  Here is the bad new:  there is nothing we can DO to overcome it ourselves. No amount of good deeds or good works will change it.  Here is the good news:  God can and has.  It is only through His grace that we are saved.  Jesus was and is the bridge to conquer sin.  It is through our faith in Christ that we receive our redemption.  If it is only through God's grace, then we cannot boast about it, but give praise and honor to the One who gave it.  Have you received that grace?  Have you really accepted it?

Many talk about being saved or receiving God's grace, but still go through life punishing themselves for what they have done.  Or, then continue on in their old life because of fear.  They don't want to loose what they had and are afraid of what God may challenge them to do. 

Once we get past the fact that we are and will remain sinners we can move forward and begin our journey with Christ.  Will it be easy.  No! God never promised that, however He did promise always be with us.  We must hold tight to that promise.  We will receive temptation because of free will.  Not because God is allowing us to be tempted or because the enemy is always breathing down our back.  Free will means that everyone gets to choose who they believe in, what choices they will make, and how they will act and react in life.  Surround yourself with those who choose the easy way out or constantly make the wrong choices and you will find yourself following because sin is contagious.  Surround yourself with people who strive to follow God, and you will find yourself beginning to make those decisions.  That is not to say we should totally abandon and write off non-believers or those who make poor choices.  We can let the light of Christ shine through us and help them see what a new life in Him can mean for them.  We can model good choices.  St. Francis said:  Speak the Gospel loudly where ever you may go, but only use words when necessary. 

Prayer, daily reading God's Word, fellowship with believers, and attending a bible believing church are all choices that will help provide the tools necessary for defense.  We cannot do it alone.  We need God. 

I battle my demons daily.  Depression, anxiety, anger, past hurts, and grudges.  No one else can help me.  I certainly cannot help myself.  But the comfort that comes from being in The Word and prayer are the only ways to begin to overcome these. 

You have a decision to make today?  Don't go another day without considering it. 

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